Sky Canyon & Associates

About Sky Canyon

On the business front:

I’ve founded and/or presided over several companies since the late 1970s:


Book Publishing – New World Library, 1979-1985, President and Publisher. I developed the formal business plan for the company, raised capital and created its international marketing and distribution infrastructure. I worked closely with authors to position them, developed the company’s marketing and promotion departments and established NWL’s foreign licensing program. My focus propelled the company forward with its first home run, Creative Visualization, by Shakti Gawain, which became an international bestseller and is still one of the top classics in the self-help genre.


Record Business – Rising Sun Records, 1980-1987, Founder and President. Rising Sun was one of the pioneering new age record companies with titles such as Breathe and Petals, which have been called classics in the new age music genre by the media. I built an international distribution and licensing network for the company, along with its national radio promotion infrastructure, which garnered coverage on over 500 stations nationwide. I was a featured artist and producer on the label, and eventually sold Rising Sun to Narada Media in the late 80s.


Health Technologies and Trainings – Universal Light Technologies, Ltd, 1990-1999, co-founder and General Manager. I worked closely on ULT’s development of a state-of-the-art, proprietary technology device called the Spectral Receptivity System, which has been used throughout the world for transformation and healing with light and color. I implemented the company’s international marketing and sales program for the SRS, and managed ULT’s educational and training program that certified practitioners throughout the USA, Australia, Europe and Japan. The company also produced a leading edge nutritional supplement for vision, and a line of educational audio and video media. I am a certified trainer in the company’s light and color work.


Investment Banking Advisory Services – As both a business owner and as a consultant to entrepreneurs and businesses for 25 years, I worked with a number of client companies to develop and/or expand their business models, identify strategic partnerships and raise private equity capital. I help clients develop and clarify their messaging and presentations, business plans, and provides insightful perspective to clients’ on their financial strategy, marketing and growth path.


In the Holistic Health World:

I have extensive experience in the field of holistic health, having worked with and partnered with brilliant practitioners across many modalites for over 45 years. Since I'm not a practitioner, I do not advise or prescribe; rather, I EDUCATE, and I've shown hundreds of people with serious health issues options they've never seen before. 


On the Artistic Front:

I have been a professional musician, producer and composer for 50 years, with musical credits as a performer and recording artist in symphony orchestras, salsa, jazz combo and big bands, rock and country bands, new age, musicals and more.

I am recording jazz singles – mostly originals – as composer, arranger, producer and mixer; they are available worldwide on all the streaming media.

I am also a screenwriter with a feature-length dramatic comedy; now working with a producer to develop the project.



Sky's jazz releases:

The new age music: